
      Behzod Tokhtamurodov, a deputy elected from the "Adolat" SDP of Uzbekistan, held a meeting with students and youth at the Navoi Innovation University. The meeting, organized in the form of an open dialogue, highlighted the attention paid to youth in our country today, their role in various fields, and especially the great opportunities provided to youth by the Head of our State.
         Also, the importance of decisions, decrees and laws adopted regarding youth activities was discussed, and it was noted that they should be worthy of this trust and attention.
        Students were taught the importance of using every minute effectively, making a worthy contribution to the prosperity of the Motherland and the future of the country. The deputy also touched upon the initiative ideas put forward by the "Adolat" SDP.
       The main goal of such large-scale reforms is to educate the younger generation as politically active citizens in public life, able to freely express their opinions, and with a high legal culture.
    This is intended to further form and develop civil society. At the end of the meeting, young people received detailed answers to all their questions.