International Philosophers' Day at NIU
🟢On the initiative of UNESCO, the 3rd Thursday of November is widely celebrated as International Philosophers' Day. On this occasion, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences of Navoi Innovation University organized a scientific and artistic event on the topic "Philosophy and Life: Nature, Society and the Development of Thought" on November 21 at 2:00 PM.
At the event, the rector of the university, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Mavlonov Jo`rabek Yorqulovich, Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy Chuliyeva Vasila Erkinovna, and Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Philosophy Imomov Umrzok Kharmayevich delivered speeches on "Philosophy and its Role in World Civilization".
At the same time, the wise words of our philosophers and stage performances dedicated to their lives were presented to the attention of the participants of the event.